Monday, December 13, 2010

Friendship : Sorry

"Right now,it is very hard for me to believe in friendship.For me,all of that just nonsense.Why should we waste our time in such thing?We're not only waste our time,we're also waste our energy."

Lepas dilukai dengan teruknya oleh kawan sendiri,dah tak ada space lagi untuk saya terima benda2 macam tu.I've tried so hard to forgive and forget all of the things,but the wound in my heart will not easily wash away.

Memang la terasa jaelous bila terngok manusia2 kat luar ada kawan sendiri,share semua dengan kawan depa tu tapi bila difikir-fikirkan balik...tak ada maknanya semua tu kat saya.Banyak lagi hal lagi yang perlu dititik beratkan daripada benda2 macam tu.

Saya rasa,saya memang tak akan ada dan tak akan pernah ada kawan yang akan stick with me 24/7 dengan keadaan diri saya yang complicated ni.And saya rasa tak akan ada manusia dimuka bumi ni pun akan stand hidup dengan saya.

I've tried so much way to be the best but at the end of the day,i realize that i cant be the one.
Sorry to whom that i had hurt before.

No denying,that people hardly to understand me,i cant even understand myself either.
Kepada orang yang tak pernah sakiti hati saya LANSUNG,I'm sorry...but I have to.
You're so kind to me,you really care about me but I cant stand looking at you solving all the problems i have created.I cant stand looking how nice you treated me.You've distracted me with your kindness.You're too good for me.Even saya pun cant treat you as nice as you did.
I think our friendship will not gonna work out.I'm feeling very bad about this but all i can do is apologize.

p/s: I'm truly sorry....


  1. bersedrhanalah dlm bersahabat. jgn terlalu mengasihi, t kita mudah dilukai. jgn juga terlalu membenci, t mudah jatuh hati. so, just bersedrhana. :)

  2. entri ni mmg btui.aku sokng!

  3. afzan: baik ! trima ksih utk nsihat tu.
    Mary: hohoh....
